Residential Bin Cleaning: Platte, Clay, Jackson County MO

Pressure Washing & Christmas Lights: KC/MO Metro Area

Mrs. Clean Bins

Welcome to Mrs Clean Bins, where dirty, smelly, and worn out garbage bins are made clean and fresh again!

Mrs Clean Bins also specializes in other surface washing services including; dumpsters, store fronts, fleet & equipment washing, houses and roofs, as well as concrete patios, driveways, garages, dumpster pads, loading docks, and parking lots. Contact us for a FREE quote today!

Try Mrs. Clean Bins Today!

Mrs. Clean Bins gives your garbage bins a 230° Hot Pressure Wash that removes all that Cleans, Disinfects, and Deodorizes


Getting started is easy! Just sign up today and leave your garbage bins out for us the day of or the day after garbage pickup, schedule depending!

Garbage Bin Cleaning is Eco-Friendly and Eliminates 99% of all Germs!


Call Us! 816-896-8029

Why Try Us Today

#1 Eliminate Odor

With all of the rotting food, disposable diapers, and other malodorous items we throw into our trash bins, it is no wonder that we stifle the urge to plug our noses every time we take out the trash. Waste, liquids in particular, can leak through even the smallest of tears in a trash bag and seep into the pores of a trash bin. This can make your trash bin smell even when it is empty. Cleaning your trash bin regularly can get rid of this odor.

#2 Eliminate Germs & Bacteria

Throwing away old food, and used diapers can infect your trash bin with germs and diseases, such as Salmonella, Listeria, and E-Coli. Sanitizing your trash bins will kill these germs, and help keep you and your family safe.

#3 Eliminate Maggots & Bugs

Have you ever noticed how flies are attracted to your trash? According to the Washington State Department of Ecology, flies are attracted to odors, and lay their eggs in “moist, organic material.” While having flies buzzing around your head can be irritating, it’s even worse to find maggots (baby flies), crawling through your rubbish. Keeping your trash bins odor free will keep flies from finding them.

#4 Keep Wild Animals Away


Animals are often attracted to food found in trash bins. Rodents, wild dogs or cats, and even raccoons can often be found rummaging through trash bins. They are attracted by the smells, and remnants of past bags of trash. If these are cleaned out regularly, there is nothing to draw their attention.

#5 Keep Trash Bins Looking Nice (Curb Appeal)

When your trash bins look nice and clean, it’s not as much of a chore to take the trash out. You don’t have to worry about accidentally smudging your clothes, or encountering unwanted smells or creatures. It also gives your house and property a sense of curb appeal.


Convenient & Fast

Service is provided day of or day after trash pick-up day, schedule depending. Let us know where they are accessible, we'll clean and return them to the same spot, hassle and mess free!

Sanitize & Freshen

Stops the spread of disease by eliminating bacteria and other harmful organisms. Biodegradable deodorizer ensures a fresh smelling bin between cleanings.

Deter Bugs & Rodents!

Removes and prevents odors that attract various bugs and rodents like flies, wasps, raccoons and opossum. Rids your bins of spiders as well.

Eco- Friendly

No need for harsh chemicals and all waste water is collected by the truck for proper disposal. We use 80% less water than doing it yourself.


  • How does Mrs. Clean schedule bin cleaning appointments?

    The Mrs. Clean Team schedules all appointments PER demographic area.

    We DO NOT have specific dates and times that clients may choose. Due to the rotating schedule of our technician, your cleaning appointments may either occur on your trash day or the day after.  If we do need to schedule your cleaning for your trash pick up day, we do our best to move your home to the end of our route schedule and we are also more than haappy too remove any trash in your bins if you trash service has not been by. 

    Please note we do our best to complete service for our bin cleaning customers during the first half of each month. If you have special requests, please reach out and we will do our best to acommodate.

  • Will I receive a job confirmation email or text from Mrs. Clean?

    Yes! You will receive one at least 24 hours before the Mrs. Clean Team will arrive. Mrs. Clean Team asks that you please CONFIRM your appointment once you receive the text or email from us.

  • What if I don’t leave my cans out and miss service?

    If you don’t leave your trash can out on your service day, after we have sent prior notification, we don’t usually arrange for a revisit and may charge our full service fee as it takes both gas and time to get to your home. If this is a reoccuring issue we reserve the right to remove your address from our route and cancel service. In some cases where our scheduling and route allows, we may try to reschedule one more time for that month or quarterly cleaning.

    This is at our discretion. If you are out of town or planning to be out of town – we ask that you contact us with as much notice as possible so we can make the necessary changes to accommodate this.

  • What happens if the Mrs. Clean Team arrives to clean my bins and my trash has not been emptied, and I did not give a 24hr notice by emailing the team at

    This will be dependent upon the situation.  Due to the time and gas we have used to go your home for service, we usually will charge you the full service fee if we do not receive prior notice that your bins will not be emptied.

    If you have at least one clean can upon our techincian's arrival and the other(s) are full of trash/debris, we will clean that one can and charge the regular price.

  • I have been billed but haven’t received service yet, when will you come out?

    The Mrs. Clean Team requires ALL customers to have an active card on file for payments. This is easily accessible through your client hub. Your credit card you used on signup is billed prior to your first trash can cleaning service.

    We schedule each calendar month’s service according to stated garbage pickup days, geographic location, subscription status and for route efficiency – if your subscription is active and paid up-to-date, barring extraneous circumstances, we will have you on schedule for the calendar month that corresponds with your payment.

  • How will I be billed? Do I have to put my credit card on file?

    The answer is YES. Every client must have a credit card on file. You are billed monthly or quarterly upon completion of your service.  You will be given access to your client hub, where you can view your current jobs and view your previously paid invoices.

  • Do you install customer-owned holiday lights?

    Installation of store bought or lights purchased from another installer will be assessed on an individual basis.  Because we cannot ensure the life of those lights, nor can we ensure that we would be able to perform the necessary maintenance on them throughout the season, acceptance of these types of jobs are at the sole discretion of our installer.

How It Works

Mrs Clean Bins gives your garbage bins a 230° Hot Pressure Wash that removes all that Cleans, Disinfects, and Deodorizes, leaving you with clean garbage bins that look and smell great! No flies, maggots, stink, or stains. 



99.9% of All Germs



No Hassle



80% Less Water

Try Mrs. Clean Today!

With all the benefits of having a trash bin cleaning service, why wouldn’t you try out Mrs. Clean?

We have discounted regular service for all customers wanting to keep their garbage bins stink free on a regular hands off easy schedule.

We’ve also got an affordable one time cleaning for those who want to clean as they need.

All plans are available on our Service Request page!


  • In order for Mrs. Clean Bins to provide its service, YOU MUST ABIDE BY THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS or service could be interrupted, skipped or postponed:

    A. Bin(s) must be free of UNBAGGED Human or Animal waste. (No Exceptions) Would you be kind to ensure all fecal matter is bagged and collected by the garbage hauler?

    B. Bin(s) must be free of cooking / motor oils.

    C. Bin(s) must be free of chemicals, fresh paint, glue or other adhesive, or hazardous waste of any kind.

    D. Bin(s) must be free of building materials, e.g. plaster, stucco or concrete.

    E. Bin(s) must be completely empty. (With the exception of small, tiny scraps stuck at the bottom).

    F. Bin(s) must not have additional trash, recycling, and or yard debris added after your bin(s) have been collected by the garbage hauler.(Your bin(s) will not be serviced without prior arrangements with Mrs. Clean).


    Your appointments are very important to the Mrs. Clean team.   They are reserved especially for you.  We understand that sometimes schedule adjustments are necessary.  Therefore, we respectfully request at least 24-hour notice for cancellations or rescheduling of appointments.  Any appointment missed, late cancelled, or changed without 24-hour notice will result in a charge equal to 100% of the reserved service amount.  The appointment may be taken off a contract/package or charged individually.

  • Termination Fee/ Contract Clause

    We know how life is! We also know that circumstances can change abruptly. We require a one-year contract for Monthly and Quarterly cleanings. There will be a $25.00 cancellation fee for early termination.

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